Archive for August 2022
Family Court Resumes In-Person Hearings
In Ottawa, most family court hearings are returning to ‘in-person’ hearings as of August, 2022, except for certain types of procedural appearances. Unless permission has been obtained from the court, case conferences, settlement conferences, Motions and trials, are now going to be conducted in-person at the courthouse. Trial scheduling conferences will continue to be conducted…
Read MoreRecent Cases Involving Self Represented Litigants
There continue to be developments in the caselaw on self represented parties. While judges have a special duty to ensure that a self represented party has every reasonable opportunity to present their case, this doesn’t mean that a judge is responsible for their case, or that measures must be taken in order to correct the…
Read MoreWhen Should You Consider A Separation Agreement?
A separation agreement is an agreement between two individuals that were previously married or cohabiting, who then undergo a separation (live apart). It helps them to manage and divide their joint assets. It covers the division of everything involving children, such as child care, custody and access, as well as property and shared finances. …
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